• 4 foods you didn’t know were LP friendly

    We all know obvious choices for lp foods we buy on a regular basis be it vegetables, fruit or ketchup but what about some…

  • Top 5 Sweet After Dinner Snacks

    Still feeling peckish after dinner? We’ve put together a list of Top 5 after dinner snacks to satisfy your sweet tooth ranging between 1…

  • 5 easy to grab on the go supermarket LP snacks

    We all know there are many fruit options and prescription foods that are available to fit in the LP diet, however sometimes fruit doesn’t…

  • 10 must-haves at your lp friendly barbeque

    Spring is here!! The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and it’s time to start enjoying barbeques yet again. We’ve compiled a list…

  • 5 Must-Haves Low Protein Products

    There is a good variety of low protein products available in the UK. How to choose your low protein essentials? We’ve compiled a list…

  • 5 Restaurant Chains that Cater Well for LP Diets in the UK

    We all love to go out with family and friends and the question comes “Where do we go tonight?” Well, look no more. We’ve…

  • Low Protein & School Dinners

    Teenage years can be a difficult time for young people with metabolic conditions requiring low protein diets. Teenagers go through a challenging stage of…

  • Low Protein in the Workplace

    Workplaces can be difficult places to be at times, whether it’s an office environment, hospitality, or retail.  Add a low protein diet into the…