Samples Policy


This sample request service is provided by Firstplay Dietary Foods Ltd.
Healthcare professionals may use this sample request service to obtain limited numbers of samples of Firstplay’s low protein products for the patients in their care.

Firstplay will supply the samples directly to the patient or (where the patient is under 13) the patient’s parent or guardian. By providing the patients’ name, address, date of birth and other information, and by ticking the box to acknowledge that you have read this advice, you confirm that you have obtained the patient’s consent (or the permission of the patient’s parent/guardian/dietician where relevant) to share the patient’s personal data with Firstplay for the purpose of supplying product sample(s) to the patient. Firstplay will carry out the following processing activities in relation to the personal data shared by you:

  • processing the patient’s personal data in order to verify the sample request.
  • sharing the personal data with Firstplay’s chosen courier servce so that the sample(s) may be delivered to the patient’s chosen address.
  • analysing the personal data for the purpose of improving Firstplay’s sample service.
  • sharing the data with other third parties who are involved in providing the service where this is required in order to ensure that the patient receives the samples.

In conformance to ICO standards UK GDPR does not dictate how long personal data is kept. Firstplay reserve the right to retain or delete any patient personal data received in connection with the sample request as soon as it is no longer required for the above purposes. Further information about how Firstplay process personal data can be found in their respective privacy policies, accessible at:

View our privacy policy: Privacy Policy
View DPD Logistics Privacy Policy: DPD (UK) – Shipping to the EU
View DHL Logistics Privacy Policy: DHL – Shipping International