Preparing for Easter while on a Low Protein Diet
Any celebrations are difficult while you or your loved one must adhere to a low protein diet. Easter is no exception, but it is perfectly manageable if you follow the tips below. Here are some comments from a mum of a teenager with PKU Katya Sheridan who is sharing personal experience of preparing for Easter.
“When my son was younger, Easter was a very exciting time for him. We have always stocked up on small gifts, suitable sweets, and Easter mini eggs to put inside plastic eggs and do an Easter egg hunt with him at home and in the garden. There are plenty of affordable small toys and gifts you can buy in your local shops and supermarkets to fill up plastic Easter eggs, which is a useful way to take the enthesis away from food. Since my son has become a teenager, we now print out some gift vouchers specifying the value of the gift card and fold it to include inside the eggs. This was always much appreciated by my son, and usually revolve around vouchers for his PS4.
Relatives always love to spoil their loved ones, especially at Easter. If you have relatives wishing to give your child a gift or an Easter Egg, it’s best to plan in advance to avoid confusion (and frustration) let your relatives know which products are suitable, send links to websites, or pictures of exactly the right product. In recent years there have been increasing number of suitable eggs & chocolates online so it’s easier than ever to celebrate Easter without worrying about excess protein.
Happy Easter, everyone!”
Top Tips
- Plan in advance – get plastic eggs, small gifts, suitable sweets and vouchers
- Do an Easter Egg Hunt! This is a great way to celebrate with the whole family
- Check out the suitable options in your supermarkets free from aisle.
- Shop in advance! Don’t wait until a few days before Easter as free from supermarket options may have sold out.
- Discuss Easter gifts with your relatives and friends so they know which products are suitable
- Use links to websites so your relatives can purchase the correct products.
- Cook low protein host cross buns or purchase them online
- Check out the Easter Treats section of the Promin Website
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